Dr. Elayne Coakes: Publications Since 2002

Authored books:

Lehaney B., Jack G., Clarke S., and Coakes E., (2003) Beyond Knowledge Management Hershey: Idea Pres


Books edited:

Coakes E., & Clarke S., (2005) Encyclopedia of Communities of Practice in Information and Knowledge Management Hershey: IRM Press

Coakes E., (2003) Knowledge Management: Challenges and Issues Hershey: Idea Press

Coakes E., Willis D., and Clarke S., (2002) Knowledge Management in the Sociotechnical World: the Graffiti Continues London: Springer Verlag

Clarke S., Coakes E., Hunter G., & Wenn A., (2002) Socio-Technical and Human Cognition Elements of Information Systems Hershey: Idea Books


Articles and chapters in edited books:

Coakes E., & Clarke S., (2009) An Introduction to Communities of Practice in Schwartz D.G. Encyclopaedia of Knowledge Management  Hershey: IRM Press. (This was a paper accepted for the first edition of this book and we were asked to re-work for the second edition.)

Coakes E. Smith P., and Alwis D., (2009)  Developing Innovative Practice in Service Industries,  In B. Whitworth, A de Moor (eds) Handbook of Research on Socio-Technical Design and Social Networking Systems IGI Publications: Hershey Ch15.

Orendorff D., Ramirez A., Coakes E.,( 2008)  ‘Validating A Knowledge Transfer Framework In Health Services’ ICMCC  held Westminster June. [note this conference paper was also published as a book chapter]

Coakes E., (2005) Communities Of Practice And Technology Support in E.Coakes & S. Clarke (eds) Communities of Practice in Information and Knowledge Management Hershey: IRM Press

Coakes E., (2005) A Comparison Of The Features Of Some CoP Software in E.Coakes & S. Clarke (eds) Communities of Practice in Information and Knowledge Management Hershey: IRM Press

Coakes E., & Clarke S., (2005) Communities Of Practice: The Concept in E.Coakes & S. Clarke (eds) Communities of Practice in Information and Knowledge Management Hershey: IRM Press

Coakes E., & Clarke S., (2005) An Introduction to Communities of Practice in D.G. Schwartz (ed) Encyclopaedia of Knowledge Management Hershey: IRM Press

Coakes E., & Willis D., (2005) Managing Large Modules - Communication by Email or Virtual Learning Environments? in M., Khosrow-Pour Encyclopaedia of IT Hershey: IRM Press

Coakes E., Bradburn A., & Blake C., KM in a Project Climate (2005) in M., Jennex Case Studies in Knowledge Management Hershey: IRM Press

Coakes J., & Coakes E., (2005) Sociotechnical Concepts applied to Information Systems in Davis G. (ed) Management Information Systems Vol VII of the Encyclopaedia of Management C.L. Cooper, Argyris C., & Starbuck W. (eds) Oxford: Blackwell

Coakes E., & Willis D., (2002) Managing Large Modules: email or web-site? in M. Anandarajan & C. Simmers (eds) Managing Web Usage in the Workplace: a Social, Ethical and Legal Perspective Hershey: Idea Books pp235-253

Coakes E., & Willis D., (2002) Computer Mediated Communication in Universities and Further Education Establishments a comparison of use and utility, in E.J. Szewczak & C. Snodgrass (eds) Human Factors in Information Systems Hershey: IRM Press pp106-130

Coakes E., Sugden G., Camilleti J-P., Russell S., Bradburn A., (2002) Managing tacit knowledge in knowledge intensive firms is there a role for technology? in Knowledge Management in the Sociotechnical World: the Graffiti Continues, London: Springer Verlag pp185-197

Coakes E., & Elliman T., (2002) Stakeholders and Boundaries in Strategic Information Systems Planning: a Framework for increasing sufficiency in G. Harindranath, D. Rosenberg, J.A.A. Sillince, W. Wojtkowski, W.G. Wojtkowski, S. Wrycza & J. Zupancic, (eds) New Perspectives on Information Systems Development: Theory, Methods and Practice, New York USA: Kluwer Academic pp1-18

Coakes E., (2002) Knowledge management: a sociotechnical perspective in Knowledge Management in the Sociotechnical World: the Graffiti Continues London: Springer Verlag pp4-14

Refereed articles in Academic Journals:

Coakes EW., and Coakes JM., (2009), A meta-analysis of the direction and state of sociotechnical research in a range of disciplines - for practitioners and academics.  International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development,  1(1) proof only at present, due Jan 2009

Coakes E., (2007) Book Review: KM by Stealth by Neil Sinclair KMRP 5 (1)

Co-operative work practices and knowledge sharing issues: a comparison of viewpoints, International Journal of Information Technology with Jim Coakes & Prof Duska Rosenberg of Royal Holloway. Published Jan/Feb 2008 28 91) pp12-25

Coakes E., and Smith P. A., (2007) Communities of Practice and Change-Supporting Innovation Journal of Knowledge Management Practice - The Knowledge Garden: Vol. 8, Special Issue 1, May 2007

Coakes E and Young N., (2007) Procurement Transformation in the Immigration Directorate: the Money Tree Project Journal of Knowledge Management Practice; - The Knowledge Garden: Vol. 8, Special Issue 1, May 2007

Smith PAC., & Coakes E., (2007) Gaining the Competitive Edge: Communities of Innovation Sociedad & Conocmiento 4 (7) pp8-10

Coakes E and Smith P (2007) Developing Communities of Innovation by Identifying Innovation  Champions  The Learning Organization 14(1) pp74-85

Coakes E., Bradburn A., (2005) What is the Value of Intellectual Capital? Knowledge Management Research and Practice 3 (2) pp60-69

Coakes E., Bradburn A., Shearer J., Dotsika F. & Burke T., (2005) Knowledge creation and sharing mechanisms: from Heads (of Departments) to Hands (of staff) The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management 4 Article MC04-0093-2004

Coakes E., Bradburn A., (2005) Knowledge Management Practices in Some UK Service Organisations International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 3 Paper 6

Coakes E., (2004) Knowledge Management: A Primer Communications of the Association Information Systems 14 Article 21 pp406-489 Oct (online)

Coakes E., Bradburn A., & Sugden G., (2004) Managing and Leveraging Knowledge for Organisational Advantage Knowledge Management Research and Practice 2 2 pp118-128

Coakes E., & Willis D., (2004) Knowledge Management - Editorial ORInsight 17 3 pp2-3

Coakes E., & Sugden G., (2003) Knowledge management a review - a web article - OR Society

Coakes E., Sugden G., & Bradburn A., (2002) Post-Industrial Economy and Competitive Positioning: the Value of Knowledge Management and Learning Organisations OR Insight 15 2 pp18-28

Coakes E., & Willis D., (2002) Knowledge Management - Editorial ORInsight pp2-3

Bradburn A., Coakes E., D'Silva A., & Sugden G., (2002) Getting the Knowledge Habit (part2) Knowledge Management May pp18-19

Bradburn A., Coakes E., D'Silva A., & Sugden G., (2002) Getting the Knowledge Habit (part1) Knowledge Management April pp32-33


Journal Special Editions:

Coakes, E., Duan Y., Al-Karaghouli W., (2008) A Special Issue: Using technology for innovation and knowledge sharing in SMEs: sociotechnical approaches. International Journal of Knowledge Management Systems not yet ranked as very new. Vol 2 No. 3

Coakes E., and Ramirez A., 2007, special edition Solving Problems in Knowledge Sharing with Sociotechnical Approaches The Learning Organization ISSN 0969-6474

Coakes E., Journal of Knowledge Management Practice; - The Knowledge Garden: Vol. 8, Special Issue 1, May 2007

Refereed and published conference proceedings:

Ramirez A., Coakes, Smith P., Hine M., Smith-Chao S., Symposium on The Sociotechnical Approach in Information Systems ASAC 2007 Ottawa, Canada

Coakes E and Young N (2007) Transforming Procurement in the UK Immigration Directorate IRMA (May) Vancouver, Canada

Coakes EW., Smith PAC., (2006) Using Communities for Sustainable Change Management and Innovation: A commentary KMAC  2006 Aston University July

Coakes E., Bradburn A., Shearer J., Dotsika F. & Barnett N., (2005) A Risky Business Retirement (for Higher Education) IRMA 2005 May: San Diego

Coakes E., Bradburn A., Shearer J., Dotsika F. & Burke T., (2004) Knowledge creation and sharing mechanisms: from Heads (of Departments) to Hands (of staff) The Management Conference Greenwich Aug 2004

Bradburn A., & Coakes E., (2004) Intangible assets and social, intellectual and cultural capital: origins, functions and value OKLC Innsbruck April

Coakes E., Bradburn A., & Sugden G., (2003) Managing and leveraging knowledge for organisational advantage in J. Edwards (ed) KMAC03 Birmingham: Aston University July pp54-65

Coakes E., Bradburn A., Shearer J., & Burke T., (2003) Knowledge creation and sharing mechanisms: from heads to hands in F.McGrath & D. Remenyi (eds) 4th ECKM Oxford:MCIL pp181-190

Coakes E., & Aidoo H., (2003) Developing knowledge for customer management: a study of managing information in the developing world in G. N. Muuka (ed) 4th IAABD Conference London: Westminster April pp94-98

Willis D., Coakes E., & Wenn A., (2002) Use of email in educational establishments - an UK and Australian perspective in M. Khosrow-Pour (ed) Issues and Trends of Information Technology Management in Contemporary Organisations Hershey: Idea Group Publishing IRMA 2002 Seattle May vol 1 pp821-823

Bradburn A., Coakes E., & Sugden G., (2002) Searching for linkages between knowledge management, learning organisation and organisational culture within large service enterprises in the United Kingdom: what KM practitioners say in M. Khosrow-Pour (ed) Issues and Trends of Information Technology Management in Contemporary Organisations Hershey: Idea Group Publishing IRMA 2002 Seattle May vol 2 pp928-930